A New Procedure for Partial Discharge Localization in Gas-Insulated Switchgears in Frequency Domain

Uwe Riechert ABB Switzerland Ltd – Gas Insulated Switch Systems, Zürich, Switzerland
Stefan M. Hoek, Stefan Tenbohlen and Kurt Feser, University of Stuttgart, IEH, Pfaffenwaldring 47, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Thomas Strehl LEMKE DIAGNOSTICS GmbH in Volkersdorf / Dresden, Germany


This new method will permit a cost-efficient localisation of partial discharges (PD) in gas-insulated switchgears (GIS). It uses the interference phenomenon of two superimposed sensor signals. The signal interference results in the time delay (∆t) between the two signals. Evaluating this time delay a localization is possible. Two related sensor signals are required to receive acceptable results for the measurement procedure. Considering the dispersion effects of higher modes in GIS only a certain frequency range is useful for the measurement. The interferences can be measured at various setups

Keywords: Partial Discharge, cost-efficient localisation, Interference measurement, PD-Measurement, PD Locating in GIS , interference phenomena

